Child and Adult Protection Statement


The Memorial Church (Unitarian), Cambridge regards the protection and safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults and good working practice as a priority. In the interests of the safety and well being of all it has developed and operates a formal safeguarding policy, which is registered with the Churchesʼ Child Protection Advisory Service.

The place of worship/group is committed to ensuring that everyone working with children or young people:

• has been safely recruited,

• is adequately trained and supervised,

• understands and follows the place of worship/organisations safeguarding policy.

As part of this churchʼs commitment to children, young people and vulnerable adults it has appointed Ben Grey as Safeguarding Co-ordinator.
All the children and young people and vulnerable adults involved in activities within the church know who he is and how he can be contacted.
Should the place of worship have any safeguarding concerns it will seek the advice of the Churchesʼ Child Protection Advisory Service and if appropriate contact the statutory authorities.

• This church is committed to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and ensuring their well-being.

• We recognise that we all have a responsibility to help prevent the physical, sexual, psychological, financial and discriminatory abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect.

• We recognise that the personal dignity and rights of vulnerable adults and will ensure all our policies and procedures will reflect this.

• We believe all adults should enjoy and have access to every aspect of the life of the place of worship/organisation.

• We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who will work with children and vulnerable adults.

• We believe every child should be valued, safe and happy. We want to make sure that children we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are suffering harm.

We are committed to:

Following statutory denominational and specialist guidelines in relation to safeguarding children and adults and will ensure that as a place of worship/organisation all workers will work within the agreed procedure of our safeguarding policy.

• Implementing the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005 and all other relevant legislation.

• Supporting, resourcing and training those who undertake this work.• Ensuring that we are keeping up to date with national and local developments relating to safeguarding.

• Ensuring that everyone agrees to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by this place of worship/organisation.

• Supporting all in the place of worship/organisation affected by abuse.

We recognise:

• Childrenʼs Social Services has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about a child. Adult Social Care has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about a vulnerable adult.

• Where an allegation suggests that a criminal offence may have been committed then the police should be contacted as a matter of urgency.

• Safeguarding is everyoneʼs responsibility. We will review this statement and our policy annually.

If you have any concerns for a child or vulnerable adult or in relation to any safeguarding matter then please speak to the Safeguarding Co-ordinator.

Further details about safeguarding policies, training and our Disclosure Service can be obtained from the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service, P O Box 133, Swanley, Kent BR8 7UQ telephone 0845 120 4550. Email Web:

Relevant Contacts:

The Safeguarding Co-ordinator for Memorial Church Unitarian Cambridge is Ben Grey and you can contact him via the contact tab above.

Cambridgeshire Social Services: Children

If you are

• concerned that a child may be suffering physical, sexual or emotional abuse or is being neglected

• a child or young person and you are being abused or neglected

• a parent or carer and you feel you are harming your child or are close to doing so telephone 0345 045 5203 between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday.

If it is outside office hours or at the weekend, call the First Response and Emergency Duty Team on 01733 234 724, or the police on 999.
Email: or
You can also fax your concern on 01480 376 748.

If you think you or the child is in immediate danger and needs urgent help, please call the police on 999.

Cambridgeshire Social Services: Vulnerable Adults

Telephone: 0345 045 5202 between 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm on Saturday
Fax: 01480 498 066
Email: or
Minicom: 01480 376 743
Text: 07765 898 732

In an emergency, outside office hours

If someone is in danger and unable to protect themselves or cannot remain in the community without immediate intervention telephone: 01733 234 724.

If the person is in immediate danger or needs medical treatment contact the police and/or call an ambulance on 999.

Completion noted in church committee minutes 3 July 2013. Relevant contacts added 22 November 2016.

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