
Equalities Policy



The Memorial Church (Unitarian) Cambridge is a grounded and welcoming community offering opportunities for spiritual and ethical growth, and support to those in need. We believe that all people are created equal. We are proud to be the first Church organisation in Cambridgeshire to be granted a licence to perform same sex marriages.

Statement of intent

The Memorial Church (Unitarian) Cambridge affirms its commitment to show the same openness to all people in todayʼs world. It intends in spirit and in deed to promote equality of opportunity and diversity in all spheres of its activity and is committed to behaving as an equal opportunity organisation. It acknowledges that people are of all types, diverse and lively, inclusive and flexible.

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy Statement

Exclusion and discrimination can occur on many grounds including those recognised in law, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, colour, ethnic or national origin, age, marital status, disability, pregnancy and breastfeeding. The Memorial Church (Unitarian) Cambridge seeks to eradicate less favourable treatment in these areas by endeavouring to:

• Nurture an inclusive community where all are treated with dignity and respect and have equality of opportunity to contribute their gifts to the same-sex life;

• Ensure that diversity in all its guises is no barrier to participation in employment, training, promotion, leadership and representation on church committees and activities, and in the attitudes and actions of our congregation;

• Take positive action to counter attitudes and practices contrary to this statement of intent;

• Acknowledge that our current Church and Church Hall buildings are not fully accessible to those with physical disabilities, or families with young children – and resolve to remedy that situation;

• Review annually our Equalities Policy to ensure that it complies fully with any changes in law and remains fully supportive with the needs and aspirations of our community.

February 2016