Weekly Update 10 May 2024

Greetings to you all.

This email contains:

  • A link for the Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music & Conversation
  • A note of other church activities on Sundays or during the week
  • A link to the minister’s address/podcast
  • A link for the Thursday morning Zoom “Kiitsu Kyōkai” Seiza Meditation & Conversation Meetings 
  • A note of members’ activities & also outside events in the church
  • Links to national Unitarian news

A link for the Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music & Conversation

Our regular Sunday Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music and Conversation starts in the church on Emmanuel Road at 10.30 am and finishes at 11.30/11.40 am. Should you wish to join this by Zoom, please note the following new, permanent link:

Join Sunday Morning Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 8294 9446
Passcode: 612407

A note of other church activities on Sundays or during the week

Marianna writes: “We have the beginnings of a poetry group, meeting monthly to read, write and recite poems. We plan to meet in person, either in our own homes or, should a larger group form, we shall book the hall. Current views suggest we’ll meet during the week, day-time.” For more details, please contact Marianna by email: ringofvoices@gmail.com

A link to the minister’s address/podcast

Or in written form at:


A link for the Thursday morning Zoom “Kiitsu Kyōkai” Seiza Meditation & Conversation Meetings

“Kiitsu Kyōkai” Seiza Meditation and Conversation Meetings on Zoom
1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month: 7.30-9 pm
2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month: 10.30 am-12 noon
No meetings on any 5th Thursday

For more information, please visit:


Join on Thursday Zooms at:
Meeting ID: 857 7586 8333
Passcode: 970614

A note of members’ activities & also outside events in the church

Elizabeth Buie will be singing with the St Radegund Voices who are giving a concert in the church on Sunday 12 May at 4pm. Admission is free, and we are taking a retiring collection with a suggested donation of £10.
Details at https://saintradegundsvoices.org/next-concert/

Jerry Carr Brion writes: “We’re having a fundraising tea party for Oxfam on Saturday 8th June, 3pm. £5 per person. Tea, biscuits and cakes provided. Our address is 17B Mill Lane, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9HW.”

Listen Cambridge have a concert in the church on the 11th May presenting “the enchanting sounds of Virgin Forest, performing new music by Rebecka Edlund.” Doors 7.30pm, music starts 8pm. £15 (+10% booking fee)


Tickets £18 at the door (if available)

Links to national Unitarian news

For national Unitarian News, please click on the following links:



What's on this week...