Greetings to you all.
This update contains:
- A link for the Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music & Conversation
- Notice about the funeral arrangements for Noreen Lewis and Sabrina Lewins on the 5th and 6th February respectively
- A note about Celia James’ last sandtray session on Sunday, February 9th
- A reminder that the church’s Future Directions group will meet by Zoom on Wednesday 29th at 17:00
- A note about the first of the minister’s two sessions for the International Association for Free Religion (IARF): An Introduction to Imaoka Shin’ichirō’s (1881-1988) understanding Free-Religion (jiyū shūkyō 自由宗教) on Wednesday 29th January at 08:00
- A note about, and links for, the Thursday Zoom Kiitsu Kyōkai Seiza Meditation & Conversation Meeting, the next one of which takes place on February 6th at 19:30
- Links to the minister’s address/podcast
- A link to denominational news (Uni-News)
A link for the Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music & Conversation
Our regular Sunday Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music and Conversation starts at 10:30 and finishes at 11:30/11:40.
Should you wish to join this by Zoom, please use the following permanent link:
Join Sunday Morning Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 8294 9446
Passcode: 612407
Notice about the funeral arrangements for Noreen Lewis and Sabrina Lewins on the 5th and 6th February respectively
Noreen Lewis
Noreen’s funeral is at 12:00 on Wednesday 5th February.
The Committal will be held at Cam Valley Crematorium, Field Farm Drive, Great Chesterford, Saffron Walden, Essex.
Sabrina Lewins
Shelagh Lewins (Sabrina’s daughter) writes:
Dear Friends,
Some of you already know, but my mother Sabrina Lewins passed away on Friday 17th January 2025. She was peaceful, and her son Lloyd was with her. She will be very greatly missed. Her funeral is planned for Thursday 8th February. We haven’t worked out all the details, but here’s the basic info:
9:30 am — committal at Cambridge City Crematorium.
Early afternoon — celebration of Sabrina’s life, at the Unitarian Church in Cambridge, with tea and food.
Thank you everyone for your friendship to Sabrina, she valued all of you so much.
With best wishes,
A note about Celia James’ last sandtray session on Sunday, February 9th
Celia writes:
“I shall be doing the last sandtray event in the afternoon of Sunday, February 9th; I have four names already and can take four more: max; would anyone interested please contact me directly by email at <>”
A note about the first of the minister’s two sessions for the International Association for Free Religion (IARF): An Introduction to Imaoka Shin’ichirō’s (1881-1988) understanding of Free-Religion (jiyū shūkyō 自由宗教) on Wednesday 29th January at 08:00
Zoom link and session materials available at the following link:
A reminder that the church’s Future Directions group will meet by Zoom on Wednesday 29th at 17:00
I’ll send out a Zoom link to members on the morning of Monday 27th January. This congregational group which helps to guide the direction and activities of the church is open to all members of the church. If you want to know more about the work of this group, please be in touch.
A note about the Thursday morning/evening Zoom Kiitsu Kyōkai Seiza Meditation & Conversation Meeting
Next Thursday is the fifth Thursday of January so, as usual, there’ll be no meeting. The next Kiitsu Kyōkai meeting of which takes on February 6th at 19:30. For more details please click on either of the two following links:
Links to the minister’s address/podcast:
The minister’s blog and podcast (which contain his weekly, Sunday “thought for the day” as well as other, occasional, pieces) can be found at the following links:
For additional national Unitarian news, please click on the following link:
All the best, as always,
Andrew James Brown
Cambridge Unitarian Church
Emmanuel Road
07477 462 110 (Mobile)
Podcast—Making Footprints Not Blueprints
Jiyū Shūkyō / Free Religion
Kiitsu Kyōkai
Seiza Meditation (Quiet Sitting)