Weekly Update 5th May 2024

Greetings to you all.

This newsletter contains:

  • A link for the Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music & Conversation.
  • A note about the “Sandtray” event after the morning service, run by Celia James.
  • Links to the minister’s address/podcast.
  • A link for the Thursday morning/evening Zoom “Kiitsu Kyōkai” Seiza Meditation & Conversation Meeting. 
  • A note of members’ activities & also any outside events in the church.
  • Various denominational links, including one to a new denominational report called, “Challenging Leadership – Unitarian & Free Christian Ministry Today,” and one national Unitarian event, “An Introduction to The Decelerator.” 

A link for the Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music & Conversation

Our regular Sunday Morning Service of Mindful Meditation, Music and Conversation starts in the church on Emmanuel Road at 10.30 am and finishes at 11.30/11.40 am. Should you wish to join this by Zoom, please note the following new, permanent link:

Join Sunday Morning Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 8294 9446
Passcode: 612407

A note about the “Sandtray” event after the morning service run by Celia James.

Celia writes: “So far I have one person wanting to do sandtray; please can you let me know (<chair@cambridgeunitarian.org>) if you’d like to do this on Sunday, so that I know how many trays to bring. We’ll start at about 12.30, for an hour or so: max 90 minutes.”

A link to the minister’s address/podcast

Or in written form at:


A link for the Thursday morning/evening Zoom “Kiitsu Kyōkai” Seiza Meditation & Conversation Meetings:

This coming Thursday, being the fifth Thursday of the month, there is no Kiitsu Kyōkai meeting but, below, is the usual reminder for the following weeks.

“Kiitsu Kyōkai” Seiza Meditation and Conversation Meetings on Zoom
1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month: 7.30-9 pm
2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month: 10.30 am-12 noon
No meetings on any 5th Thursday

For more information, please visit:


Join on Thursday Zooms at:
Meeting ID: 857 7586 8333
Passcode: 970614

A note of members’ activities & any other outside events in the church:

Jerry Carr-Brion writes: “We’re having a fundraising tea party for Oxfam on Saturday 8th June, 3pm. £5 per person. Tea, biscuits and cakes provided. Our address is 17B Mill Lane, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9HW.”

Denominational Links:

A new denominational report by the Revd Dr Rory Castle Jones has just been published: 

“Challenging Leadership – Unitarian & Free Christian Ministry Today”

Join us for An introduction to The Decelerator

Dear friends,

Please circulate this invitation widely amongst your congregations:

Are you going through a time of change and transition in your Unitarian and Free Christian community?

I am writing to invite you to a free webinar with Linda Craig and Iona Lawrence from The Decelerator, hosted by Lizzie Kingston Harrison, our Congregational Connections Lead here at the GA.

Monday 3rd June, 7pm- 8.30pm
Zoom link

Iona and Linda work for the Decelerator – an organisation that gives support to civil society organisations. They offer information, tools, and hands-on support to help organisations work with endings, closures, change, transformation, and transition. They are working with us to help support you and your community and offer bespoke advice, tailored to your needs.

The Decelerator exists because change involves endings. While endings are inevitable, bad endings do not have to be. They work with organisations to ensure that change happens well.

Come along to this webinar to find out about Iona and Linda’s work and how they can help you and your congregation implement change, steward endings, and find new beginnings.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Lizzie Kingston.

For additional national Unitarian news, please click on the following links:

Unitarian Webpage


Every best wish as always,


Andrew James Brown

Cambridge Unitarian Church 
Emmanuel Road
07477 462 110 (Mobile)



What's on this week...