A few thoughts about the role an ontology of motion and a performative new-materialism plays in my work as minister at the Cambridge Unitarian Church
The park opposite the Cambridge Unitarian Church this morning In recent days I’ve had the opportunity to talk at length with a member of the Unitarian congregation here in Cambridge who is a philosopher with a Junior Research Fellowship at one of the nearby colleges. The conversation we had was both about conversation itself and […]
If anything will level with you water will—a meditation on flows, folds and fields, the material conditions of nature as she appears
Mary C. Durst, Bathing at Hunstanton Cliffs, Norfolk, 1888 READINGS Isaiah 26.4 Trust in the Lord for ever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock. Isaiah 44.8 Do not fear, or be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it? You are my witnesses! […]
Working Together in Conversational Motion—or why we are more like a wing than a conventional church community
READINGS: WORKING TOGETHER by David Whyte from The House of Belonging ©1996 Many Rivers Press We shape our self to fit this world and by the world are shaped again. The visible and the invisible working together in common cause, to produce the miraculous. I am thinking of the way the intangible air passed at […]
“More dangerous than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer” — a meditation on the need to leave behind the old Unitarian doctrine that “God is One” and move from IS to FLOWING
READING: Guide by A. R. Ammons You cannot come to unity and remain material:in that perception is no perceiver: when you arriveyou have gone too far: at the Source you are in the mouth of Death: you cannot turn around inthe Absolute: there are no entrances or exits no precipitations of formsto use […]