The Muslim/Unitarian encounter and some personal reflections following a visit to the Darul Uloom Birmingham Islamic High School
Darul Uloom Islamic School INTRODUCTION On Monday last week I had a very interesting and positive visit to the Darul Uloom Islamic School in Birmingham. I was invited by the school’s new headmaster, Dr Dawud Bone, who is an old colleague and friend of mine (click on this link and go to page 11 of […]
“More dangerous than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer” — a meditation on the need to leave behind the old Unitarian doctrine that “God is One” and move from IS to FLOWING
READING: Guide by A. R. Ammons You cannot come to unity and remain material:in that perception is no perceiver: when you arriveyou have gone too far: at the Source you are in the mouth of Death: you cannot turn around inthe Absolute: there are no entrances or exits no precipitations of formsto use […]