Jesus or Barabbas, Carl Schmitt and Little Red Riding Hood — a cautionary tale for twenty-first-century liberals

Jesus or Barabbas, Carl Schmitt and Little Red Riding Hood — a cautionary tale for twenty-first-century liberals Text:<> Podcast:<> Our next Wednesday Evening Conversation on Zoom meeting will take place on 24th March at 19.30 GMT. I’ll send a link out for that next week.

“Firm ground is not available ground” — why building one’s religion and philosophy on sand rather than rock might actually be a very good idea

“Firm ground is not available ground” — why building one’s religion and philosophy on sand rather than rock might actually be a very good idea Text: Podcast: If you would like to join a conversation about this podcast then our next Wednesday Evening Zoom meeting will take place on 24th March at 19.30 […]

More speed? More strength? More consumption? More Things?—Revisiting a meditation on Love in the time of Coronavirus

“More speed? More strength? More consumption? More Things?—Revisiting a meditation on Love in the time of Coronavirus” Text: Podcast: If you would like to join a conversation about this podcast then our next Wednesday Evening Zoom meeting will take place on 10th March at 19.30 GMT.  Link below. Topic: Cambridge Unitarian Church, Evening […]