Jesus or Barabbas, Carl Schmitt and Little Red Riding Hood — a cautionary tale for twenty-first-century liberals
Jesus or Barabbas, Carl Schmitt and Little Red Riding Hood — a cautionary tale for twenty-first-century liberals Text:<> Podcast:<> Our next Wednesday Evening Conversation on Zoom meeting will take place on 24th March at 19.30 GMT. I’ll send a link out for that next week.
“Firm ground is not available ground” — why building one’s religion and philosophy on sand rather than rock might actually be a very good idea
“Firm ground is not available ground” — why building one’s religion and philosophy on sand rather than rock might actually be a very good idea Text: Podcast: If you would like to join a conversation about this podcast then our next Wednesday Evening Zoom meeting will take place on 24th March at 19.30 […]
Mothering Sunday—The mother of matter is the matter of the mother—A poetic, supreme fiction for our age
“Mothering Sunday—The mother of matter is the matter of the mother—A poetic, supreme fiction for our age” Text: <> Podcast: <> The next Wednesday Evening Conversation will take place on Zoom on 24th March at 19.30 GMT.
More speed? More strength? More consumption? More Things?—Revisiting a meditation on Love in the time of Coronavirus
“More speed? More strength? More consumption? More Things?—Revisiting a meditation on Love in the time of Coronavirus” Text: Podcast: If you would like to join a conversation about this podcast then our next Wednesday Evening Zoom meeting will take place on 10th March at 19.30 GMT. Link below. Topic: Cambridge Unitarian Church, Evening […]