Time will tell—‘It is impossible to think in advance of experience, and no experience is merely empirical’
After a long and challenging week (as I know it will have been for all of you) and having spent an entire day (Saturday) from dawn until dusk writing the following piece I find that, as 9pm approaches, I can no longer tell whether it contains anything more than mere, arrant nonsense. It’s certainly a flawed and […]
More speed? More strength? More consumption? More Things?—A meditation on Love in the time of Coronavirus
READINGS Matthew 6:19-29 (trans. David Bentley Hart): [Jesus said:] Do not store up treasures for yourself on the earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves penetrate by digging and steal; Rather, store up for yourself treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves neither penetrate by digging nor steal; […]
More thoughts about naps on boats and biblical counterblows to [neoliberal, capitalist] oppression
INTRODUCTION This address is in fact two addresses or, to be a bit accurate, there is a meta-address as well as the one obviously given below. The meta-address concerns the fact that, in liberal religious circles (the one I most often inhabit and in which this address was given) most of our time is spent pro-fanum, i. […]