The Lestrygonians, Cyclopes and angry Poseidon are real and prowling once again through our world — a critical re-reading of Cavafy’s “Ithaca” on the twentieth anniversary of my ministry with the Cambridge Unitarians

To read this address please click on the following link: The Lestrygonians, Cyclopes and angry Poseidon are real and prowling once again through our world — a critical re-reading of Cavafy’s “Ithaca” on the twentieth anniversary of my ministry with the Cambridge Unitarians

A Christian Atheist, Ascension Day post on the democratization of heaven—a religious and secular interpretation

In connection with Ascension Day a few years ago I gave the following Christian atheist address: “Tribunus plebis from first to last” — an Ascension Sunday meditation on the democratisation of HeavenNaturally, it was initially directed to the audience who attend the Memorial Cambridge Unitarian Church in Cambridge (UK) where I am the minister. However, in my addresses I always […]