Short-circuiting the parable of the mustard seed—a meditation at Harvest-time giving thanks for all the children involved in the School Strike for Climate movement

My Harvest-themed address for you called, “Short-circuiting the parable of the mustard seed—a meditation at Harvest-time giving thanks for all the children involved in the School Strike for Climate movement”, can be found in written form on my blog by clicking the following link:…/short-circuiting… or as a recorded podcast at the following link:

Cool It

To read this address please click on the following link: Cool It

The Lestrygonians, Cyclopes and angry Poseidon are real and prowling once again through our world — a critical re-reading of Cavafy’s “Ithaca” on the twentieth anniversary of my ministry with the Cambridge Unitarians

To read this address please click on the following link: The Lestrygonians, Cyclopes and angry Poseidon are real and prowling once again through our world — a critical re-reading of Cavafy’s “Ithaca” on the twentieth anniversary of my ministry with the Cambridge Unitarians

A Christian Atheist, Ascension Day post on the democratization of heaven—a religious and secular interpretation

In connection with Ascension Day a few years ago I gave the following Christian atheist address: “Tribunus plebis from first to last” — an Ascension Sunday meditation on the democratisation of HeavenNaturally, it was initially directed to the audience who attend the Memorial Cambridge Unitarian Church in Cambridge (UK) where I am the minister. However, in my addresses I always […]

Facts not fear. Clean hands. Open hearts.—An Epicurean/Lucretian meditation on how to respond to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic

Lucretius contemplating how nature works Introductory meditation (excluding the Lord’s Prayer) adapted from ‘An Epicurean Gathering’ arranged by me, Lewis Connolly (until recently the minister of the Ipswich Unitarian Meeting House) and Dean Reynolds: The Roman poet Lucretius wrote:  In the murk of our darkness, you, Epicurus, raised your blazing lantern to show us the […]