An ass eats its hay and a gardener turns their spade in readiness for the New Year
Text: Podcast: The next series of online, Zoom conversations will start either at the end of January or the beginning of February 2021.
Accepting the problem posed by Christmas Day but without necessarily accepting the Christian solution
Greetings, and a Happy Christmas to you all.This is just a brief email to send a link this year’s Christmas Day address. Below you will find links to both the written text and the recorded, podcast version. Written text on my blog: Accepting the problem posed by Christmas Day but without necessarily accepting the Christian […]
Steps, not-steps, promises and the art of metaphysical hitchhiking
This week’s address can be read and listened to at the following links: “Steps, not-steps, promises and the art of metaphysical hitchhiking” Some thoughts on how and why one might commit to a religious/philosophical/political project that doesn’t start, or even finish, with a blueprint. You can hear a podcaset/recording of this piece at the following […]
How Nietzsche helps us better prepare to celebrate Advent & Christmas
An introductory exploration of how Nietzsche thinks “free spirits” are made and how becoming a free spirit might gift us with a meaningful way still to celebrate Advent and Christmas after the death of our old conceptions of God, the divine and the sacred. You can hear a podcaset/recording of this piece at the following […]
What was, must be tested— Some (positive) Christian atheist reflections on the seasons of Advent & Christmas
You can listen and/or read this address at the following links: “What was, must be tested” — Some (positive) Christian atheist reflections on the seasons of Advent & Christmas drawing on the work of the twentieth-century German, Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch’s 1972 book, “Atheism in Christianity”. The podcast of this can be found via the […]
When is ruination not (quite) ruination?
This week’s address can be found by clicking on the following links. Episode #009: When is ruination not (quite) ruination? And, if you’d like to read it as well you can find the text at the following link: The next Wednesday Evening conversation will be on 2nd December, at 7.30pm. Details will be […]
Live the questions now
If you would like to listen to, and/or read, this week’s address please click on the following links. Episode 8: “Live the questions now” And, if you’d like to read it as well you can find the text at the following link: This Wednesday, 18th November, at 7.30pm there will be another evening conversation which […]
The subtle deer meets Jesus & Socrates
My address for you this week called, “The subtle deer meets Jesus & Socrates”, can be found in written form on my blog by clicking the following link: or as a recorded podcast at the following link: LIVE EVENING ZOOM CONVERSATION If you would like to join a conversation about this piece on […]
Athens or Jerusalem or Athens and Jerusalem? — Existentialism and Liberal Religion
My weekly address for you can be found at the links below both as a written piece and as a podcast: Athens or Jerusalem or Athens and Jerusalem? — Existentialism and Liberal Religion…/athens-or-jerusalem… The Podcast Version
The Flight of the Phoenix — or what can be done to prepare for a future, post-COVID-19, time?”
My weekly piece for you is entitled “The Flight of the Phoenix — or what can be done to prepare for a future, post-COVID-19, time?” You can read it at this link: <> Or listen to a podcast version at this link <> If you would like to join a conversation about this piece on Wednesday 21st […]